Hootsuite Gains Seven Million Users and 300 Employees

By: Ali Raza  |   July 20th, 2013   |   Business, News, O Canada, Social Media

Vancouver’s very own social media management platform, Hootsuit, is growing rapidly and the Canadian startup has made it known on Tuesday, July 16th, that in the second quarter of 2013 the company has been able to achieve the seven million user milestone. This was indeed a remarkable achievement for Hootsuit that has been able to successfully provide services to both businesses and organizations to help execute campaigns through numerous social networking sites by using a secure and single web-based dashboard. Moreover, with the help of this dashboard, Hootsuite users have not only launched marketing campaigns but they have also identified and increased their audience by distributing targeted messages.


It is because of these services that Hootsuit has today been able to secure a big user base that has previously also helped the company to post 300 percent revenue during the same period in 2012. That excellent revenue enabled Hootsuit to hire more staff members and at this point in time it has over 300 employees. In addition to this, the 15 translated dashboard languages of the Canada-based startup have now enabled Hootsuit to have paying customers in 156 countries across the world.


Shedding light on the startup, the chief executive officer of HootSuite, Ryan Holmes said that, “Companies are getting more sophisticated in the ways they’re using social media across the organizations—whether they’re engaging with their customers through their marketing, sales, or support and service departments. By equipping them with a single, secure, and scalable solution to organize their social processes, we’re empowering them to connect, inform and succeed like never before.”


Back in May during this year, Hootsuit released a brand new security services that was designed to reduce the risk of using external, internal and other risks associated with usage of social media. This was another major announcement by Hootsuit during this year.


An expert has said that majority of social media related issues can be avoided with the help of apt internal training and processes. The Industry Analyst and Partner of Altimeter Group, Jeremiah Owyang said that, “76% of social media crises could have been diminished, or altogether prevented, had companies been prepared internally with the right training, processes, roles, and software.”


Holmes said, “Weak or shared passwords, accidentally posting to business instead of personal profiles—these are errors that can really hurt a brand’s image and consequently its bottom line. Thankfully these crises are avoidable. When so many social media crises start internally, a social asset audit just makes sense. From there, security services provides you with the knowledge and resources to deal with any social media situation. You may not be able to control external factors, but you can make sure your business is ready for them.”


Source: TechVibes 

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