US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency Gives RIM Second Chance With BB10 Trial

By: Kevin Green  |   December 14th, 2012   |   Business, Mobile Apps, News, O Canada, Smartphones
blackberry 10

Research In Motion has been losing marketshare over the last year as competitors like Apple and Samsung took over the smartphone market. One of the places where the Canadian technology giant was still holding sway was the enterprise sector where business and government agencies prized security. However, that sector also took blow when in October the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency announced that they would be dropping RIM. The government agency chose to go with Apple and supply their 17,000 employees. This would be major setback for RIM and its BlackBerry platform but it seems that the high expectations for RIM’s upcoming BlackBerry 10 platform may have changed the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency’s mind. It was announced that the government enterprise will give BB10 and BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 a trial run. If the test is successful and meets the agency’s requirements, BlackBerry may still end up being used at the government department in 2013.


RIM has seen a slight resurgence as the deadline for the BB10 launch approaches. The Canadian firm has been courting developers by making their new platform developer friendly. Wall Street analysts have also started to express faith in the company’s comeback plans and now it seems that enterprise users are also looking forward to BB10. The new platform from RIM will be released officially on January 30 and is expected to help the smartphone maker take back lost market share.


The stock price of the company has jumped up 3% thanks to the good news and is at the highest point in recent months.

Source: TechVibes

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