New iOS 7 and MacBooks Revealed At Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference

By: Talha Bhatti  |   June 11th, 2013   |   Apple, Business, iOS, Mobile Apps, News
ios 7

Apple‘s Worldwide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) got of to a great start in San Francisco, California on January 10. The maker of the iPhone had some big announcements including a brand new iOS 7 to power Apple’s mobile devices along with stellar looking Macbooks and a much rumored streaming music service. CEO Tim Cook got on stage to introduce iOS 7 while saying that it was the, “the biggest change to iOS since the introduction of the iPhone.” He also threw out some very impressive numbers about the apps on their platform claiming that Apple had paid developers $10 billion. Cook mentioned that the app store now had 900,000 apps with 375,000 apps meant for the company popular iPad slate.


According to TechVibes claims that the new mobile operating system from Apple, “features a flatter appearance, better multitasking and background processing, a control centre, a new look and feel for Safari and OS X’s Airdrop peer-to-peer sharing service.”


The update of iOS was probably overdue with some users getting tired of the old iOS. New features include an online radio service. The iTunes Radio feature will utilize a users iTune purchases and previous listening habits to generate a continuous stream of music. The new service will also function on the iTunes app on Mac and Windows computers and will be free.

Another upgrade for iOS is the multitasking feature which was very limited in previous editions. iOS 7 will keep tabs on  apps the user is clikcing most often to give them more multitasking capabilities. For example, a push notification will indicate tot he OS that a specific app need extra processing power to complete tasks and updates. Apple has also added a  control centre to the new mobile operating system. Mashable explains that it is an “area that can be activated from within any app that brings control to WiFi, brightness and other frequently accessed settings. From Control Center you can access a flashlight, start a song, toggle AirPlay and more.”

Apple has taken a page out of Google playbook and the new Safari browser for iOS 7 will have many similarities to Chrome including tabbed views, iCloud Keychain integration for password management and unified search menu. There are also some small design changes with icons getting a three dimensional look.



Mac Pro got an update along with the MacBook Air while the Os for these devices will be getting an upgrade as well. Cook talked about the Mac operating system called “Mavericks” which will feature tabbed finder window and multi-monitor capability.

Source: TechVibes

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