If You Own an iOS Device and Like Dinosaurs, Go to The Royal Ontario Museum for Some Augmented Reality

By: Kuljit Grewal  |   July 21st, 2012   |   Apple, Living, Mobile Apps, News, O Canada

The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) has introduced a new exhibit called Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants of Gondwana which features a unique Augmented Reality (AR) experience using Apple devices. The museum introduced a ROM Ultimate Dinosaurs app that allows patrons to use their iPhones and iPads to literally bring the exhibit’s fossilized dinosaur skeletons to life.


By pointing the aforementioned devices at specific markers set up throughout the museum, one is able to see what those dinosaurs would have looked like with flesh and skin. They will also be able to observe the theorized movement and behaviour patterns of these 65 million year old marvels. A great deal of research and scientific clout went into making the dinosaurs as realistic as possible based on what is known about the featured species.


Promotion of the exhibit has been featured in advertising across the GTA, including bus shelters and a variety of print advertising that features AR instructions. The exhibit, application and corresponding AR features are meant to be fun and interactive for children and parents alike, making it perfect for a summer vacation trip that is educational and cutting edge.


Among the technology in the exhibit, there are reactive walls that are motion sensitive allowing visitors to interact in a digital replication of dinosaur habitat. Other features include a multi-user game that allows patrons to puzzle together a large land mass known as Gondwana. This area includes what is modern day Africa, Madagascar and South America.


Ultimate Dinosaurs will be at the ROM until March of 2013.

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