James Moore Defends Canadian Government Policies and Aims To Reduce Mobile Service Prices Through Competition

By: Talha Bhatti  |   August 26th, 2013   |   News, O Canada
bell rogers telus

There has been recent backlash after the planned introduction of telecom companies into Canada from abroad but according to James Moore, the industry Minister, the policies and benefits provided by the government will eventually aid the Canadian public and consumers. According to him, the added competition will result in getting the cell phone plan prices to decrease a substantial amount and thus defended the government policies.

He is quoted in the CBC news in Vancouver on Monday as saying, “I think that the public instinctively knows that when they have more choices that prices go down and more competition they’re well served by that.”

Telus, Rogers and Bell have recently launched campaigns to convince the general public against the government policies and Moore believes that this might not be the most beneficial standpoint. According to these three companies, the current government policies favor Verizon who is not even sure if it would land in Canadian market or not. They believe that the policies undermine Local companies and will create a huge problem among Canadians for jobs. Furthermore, they emphasize the lack of equality among companies and say that Ottowa is not providing a level playing field and is providing Verizon with unnecessary benefits. There are a lot of advantages that Verizon will be offered, One such advantage is that if they decide to come into the Canadian market, they will be allowed to bid on two out of four possible blocks of spectrum. That would result in the big three (Telus, Rogers and Bell) to bid for the other two. Verizon, unlike the big three, will be allowed the buy Wind or Mobilicity if they want.

“The noise that we’re hearing is about you know companies trying to protect their company’s interest,” he said. “Our job as a government is larger than that, our job is to serve the public interest and make sure that the public is served in this so that’s one of the reasons why I’m pushing back a little bit.”

CBC reports that, “He said current policies will protect jobs, while setting conditions that allow more competition into the marketplace. That should lower Canadians cellphone bills, he said. Moore is also promoting a new Conservative Party website called www.consumersfirst.ca. The website puts forward the government’s policy positions on wireless competition and includes a list of “myths vs. facts” about the wireless market.

The telecom firms have responded by joining debates on the issue across the country.”

Source: CBC News

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