LarkLife Bracelet Tracks Sleep, Diet and Exercise to Help Users Live Better

By: Kevin Green  |   October 11th, 2012   |   Gadgets, Health, iOS, Living, Mobile Apps, Smartphones

The Lark bracelet was first introduced as a sleep-tracking device and a vibrating alarm. The company has upgraded its product and on October 8 launched their brand new product – Larklife. The bracelet has been designed to track all activities one does during the day including eating, sleeping and exercising. All this is logged and the information is then leveraged to help the user make healthier and wiser decisions. Julia Hu, the CEO of Lark, told Wired magazine that “the bracelet is designed to make tracking easy and attainable for people who aren’t elite athletes or quantified-selfers.”


Lark’s Bracelets are designed by The Ammunition Group and has a three-axis accelerometer at its center to track the user’s movements. The band is changeable and a user has options to go with a softer band for the night and a sweat proof one for working out. The activities are all tracked through the accelerometer while the meals need to be added into the mobile app directly or by tapping the core of the bracelet. The device has a line of lights that flash to give feedback and the mobile app gives more details about the data that is being collected. The Lark bracelet keeps in touch with the smartphone app through Bluetooth.


The Lark is not the only product in the market that tracks exercise and dietary data and competitors like the Nike Fuel Band and FitBit Zip also exist. However, the Larklife is unique because it has a feedback system. That means that based on the data it has collected it can recommend when to eat or get more sleep. It can also alert the user to get up and walk around if they have been sitting for too long. The other cool feature is the device’s ability to learn. According to the creators, the bracelet gets better at tracking data as time goes on because it uses machine learning to get better. For example, after extended use it can tell whether you are running or walking.


Larklife is currently available for pre order at $149.99 but the company has not given any shipping dates.


Source: Wired

Photo: Lark

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