Latest Data Shows Decline in PC Shipments for 5th Consecutive Quarter Making it Longest Ever in History of PC

By: Ali Raza  |   July 19th, 2013   |   Android, Apple, Business, News, Tablets

Research firm Gartner has recently released new data related to the shipment of PCs which claims that 76 million PCs were shipped during the second quarter of 2013, which is 11 percent less than what the tech companies had delivered back in 2012 during the same quarter. According to Gartner, this was the 5th consecutive quarter in which a decline in PC shipments was observed, which has made it the longest ever fall in the history of PCs.


Talking about the decline in PC shipments, principal analyst of Gartner, Mikako Kitagawa said that, “We are seeing the PC market reduction directly tied to the shrinking installed base of PCs, as inexpensive tablets displace the low-end machines used primarily for consumption in mature and developed markets.”


This decline in the demand for PCs started with the advent of mobile devices, especially after the introduction of tablets, which badly affected the business of PC makers.


Kitagawa added that, “In emerging markets, inexpensive tablets have become the first computing device for many people, who at best are deferring the purchase of a PC. This is also accounting for the collapse of the mini notebook market.”


Another principal research analyst at Gartner, Isabelle Durand said that, “The sharp decline in the second quarter of 2013 was partly due to the shift in usage patterns away from notebooks to tablets, and partly because the PC market was exposed to inventory reductions in the channel due to the start of the transition to new Haswell-based products. Touch-based notebooks still account for less than 10 per cent of the total consumer notebook shipments in the last quarter.”


Gartner’s latest data only shows that troubles of PC makers are only increasing with the passage of time thanks to the inexpensive Android powered tablets, which are attracting customers in almost every part of the world. In fact, the increase in demand for tablets has also affected the business of notebooks, as they are also seen decline in the shipments.


Initially Apple was the only company that has launched a tablet, but later Samsung, Acer, HP and several other companies including some Chinese firms decided to step into this space and flooded the market with their slates. As a result of that today, customers have a wide choice when it comes to buying a slate through which they not only stay in touch with the friends and family members, but also perform various tasks, including significant business matters.


Source: TechVibes

Photo: TopNews

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