Leaked BB10 Slides Reveal New BBM Video Chat And Screen Sharing Along With Task Manager

By: Ali Raza  |   December 29th, 2012   |   Mobile Apps, News, O Canada, Smartphones

As the launch of Research In Motion’s Blackberry 10 platform draws near the flow of leaked images has also picked up. The latest additions to this pile are a few more new slides that have provided users a sneak peek of the new screen sharing and video chat features of Blackberry Messenger (BBM).


TalkQueen has already reported that the latest Blackberry 10 OS will include a BBM Video feature along with BBM Voice. These recent leaks have almost confirmed that report by giving a good idea of how these features will actually look and how users will be able to share a screen throughout a video call.


Aside from these leaked images, a separate image also cropped up online, which has exposed a new app for BB10 that is called “Blackberry Remember”.


This new app is basically a task manager and it enable users to “capture and organise content and ideas in a way that makes it easy to decided what to do next. Turn ideas into action”. In addition to this the Blackberry Remember also allows users to “set tasks and goals from anywhere on the device, group them into projects and track them to competition”. Moreover, the app can also “sync tasks with Microsoft Outlook calendar and tag projects so they’re easy to find later.”


When RIM was contacted to comment on these slides the Waterloo based company made this statement, “We understand that there is a lot of excitement for BlackBerry 10. We will launch the platform on January 30th and until then we won’t comment on speculation.”


Source: Phonedog, Engadget

Photo: Phonedog

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