LinkedIn Affirms Acquisition of News Reader Startup Pulse for $90 Million

By: Ali Raza  |   April 12th, 2013   |   Business, Mobile Apps, News, Social Media

AllThingsD had previously reported that LinkedIn is going to acquire Pulse, a news reader startup. On Thursday, April 11th, LinkedIn affirmed that it had bought the social news reader and also described how the professional networking site will use Pulse’s tools to enhance its own content. To acquire Pulse, LinkedIn had to spend a hefty sum of $90 million, which the sources of Om had revealed to him back in March. On this occasion, LinkedIn has issued a press release to explain the reason for acquiring Pulse. The site stated in its press release that the demand for content on LinkedIn that is related to the professions of the people is increasing with the passage of time and the team behind Pulse can assist the professional networking site to improve the types of news internet surfers are more interested in reading .


“We believe LinkedIn can be the definitive professional publishing platform – where all professionals come to consume content and where publishers come to share their content. Millions of professionals are already starting their day on LinkedIn to glean the professional insights and knowledge they need to make them great at their jobs. We believe we can help all professionals make smarter and more informed business decisions leveraging all the great business knowledge flowing through LinkedIn in the form of news, Influencer posts, industry updates, discussions, comments and more.”


Pulse basically gathers news articles from a variety of topics selected by users and then portrays them in a stylish and neat format. Due to this feature, Pulse became a hot favourite of mass number of newsreaders, which helped it reach the top ranks of the Apple’s App Store. Currently Pulse has over 30 million users across the world which uses the app to read over ten million stories on a daily basis.


However, the latest acquisition is more than just improving the content over LinkedIn, as by purchasing Pulse the professional networking site will now be able to offer more to its users rather than just being that same old resume service for professionals and recruiters.


In its blog post, Pulse has stated that, “LinkedIn is the perfect partner as we continue our journey. The company shares our passions and values, our belief in the power of knowledge and elevated discussion, particularly for professionals looking for insights to help make them better at what they do. We believe this important step is the key to an even better experience for our community, and we’re excited for what’s to come.”


Source: AllThingsD, Gigaom

Photo: PcMag

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