Netflix Says They are not Developing an App for the BlackBerry 10 Platform

By: Jeff Stewart  |   March 5th, 2013   |   News, O Canada, Smartphones

There is no doubt that BlackBerry has left no stone unturned when it was developing the latest BlackBerry 10 platform, but lack of apps has caused problems for the Waterloo-based company in the past and it is still a big problem for the Canadian company. Although BlackBerry has kept its promise and offered BB10 users more than 70,000 apps at the launch of its flagship all-touch smartphone, the Z10, there are still several hit apps that have not made their way to the BlackBerry ecosystem. On top this, several companies are not interested in producing BB10 app. The latest addition to the list is Netflix that has recently confirmed that they will not launch an app for the latest platform from BlackBerry.


According to AllThingsD’s sources, “Netflix isn’t developing a version of its app for BlackBerry 10 — native or port. And the company confirms those reports: It has chosen to forgo the platform entirely for the time being. We have no current plans for a BlackBerry app.”


AllThingsD also reported that Netflix has “declined to explain the thinking behind this decision, but sources say the company has little incentive to develop for the platform,” plus “the operating costs of developing an app for low-volume platform like BlackBerry 10 and maintaining it outweigh any potential benefits.”


The news is a serious blow to the efforts of the BlackBerry that has recently launched new hardware and software in order to make a comeback in the smartphone market. With the introduction of its latest ecosystem BlackBerry was looking to snatch its market share from iPhone and Android but it seems that the company has to do a lot better than this to bounce back in the game.


However, now the latest development is more like adding salt to the wound as just a month ago Instagram, a popular social networking and online photo sharing site owned by Facebook, revealed that it is not interested in developing an app for BB10. So this means that BlackBerry users will not able to have these hit apps on their platform. If that trend continue to rise then, it will become real difficult for the smartphone manufacturer to convince users to switch to its latest handsets.


In response to Netflix’s decision the spokesperson of BlackBerry Alex Kinsella has said while talking to AllThingsD that, “We’re committed to bringing top titles from around the globe to BlackBerry 10 customers. At this time, it’s in Netflix’s court to join the excitement around BlackBerry 10—we hope they choose to bring a BlackBerry 10 experience to their customers. We’d love to have them.”


Source: AllThingsD, TechVibes

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