Pavegen Generates Electrical Energy From Foot Steps

By: Jeff Stewart  |   January 12th, 2013   |   Living, News

To deal with the energy crisis engineers and scientists are working on different sources to find a way to produce renewable or environmentally friendly energy. The idea is to develop technology today that future generations can use to fulfill their power requirement without paying a high cost and bearing irrecoverable environmental damages. The Pavegen is a concept for a sidewalk that promises to gather the kinetic energy produced from the footsteps of walkers and then converts it into electrical energy. To gain energy through this method, sidewalks are covered by specific floor tiles that are designed to convert movement over them into power. No matter whether it’s a step, hop, stomp, or jump it will convert the motion into renewable energy. The electrical power that is gained from Pavegen can be used for different purposes including lighting up interactive displays, charging different electronic gadgets or devices and powering bulbs or tube lights.

Pavegen wants to install the tiles in classroom and hallways to generate electricity from the hundreds of children walking to and from class. The creators of the device have proposed that one school in the United Kingdom and another in school in the United States be fitted with Pavegen under a recent Kickstarter initiative. Moreover, if Pavegen is able to obtain its funds target, the schools will be able to receive a completely funded permanent four-tile Pavegen that will be installed in the busy hallway of that educational institute’s choice.


In addition, this four-tile Pavegen installation will come with a display that will show interactive renewable energy stats that will show what students are generating with the novel technology.


Source: PSFK

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