Police Chief in San Francisco says Drug Dealers are Becoming Mobile Phone Thieves

By: Ali Raza  |   August 24th, 2013   |   News, Smartphones

The Police Chief of San Francisco, Greg Suhr, has revealed that more and more low level drug dealers are now becoming cellphone robbers because in contrast to drug dealing mobile phone robbery is less risky. In addition to this, The SF Examiner report has highlighted the fact that thieves are now also learning “the value of collaboration” that has made life even harder for both police and the general public.


Shedding more light on the art of collaboration, the report described that currently thieves are using various tactics to steal from people. For instance thieves snatch a cellphone from its owner when he or she is using it after which their accomplices block the victims from chasing them. And sometimes thieves’ accomplices acts as if they are doing a good deed for the victim in order to get their lost cellphone back, but in reality they are allowing their partner to escape from getting caught.


Highlighting one of the most recent trends of robbery, Police Chief Greg Suhr divulged that some of the accomplices of thieves pretend to be “good Samaritans”, who return the stolen handsets in the hope to get benefit from the thankful victims.


“In these cases, Suhr said, a thief will swipe a phone from a person and take off running. Then suddenly a crime-fighting vigilante will appear and chase down the thief and retrieve the phone. While the victim is showering this brave soul with thank-yous, the person will slyly ask for $20 or so for the effort — after all, that potentially stolen phone is much more valuable.


Police are seeing this more often as an alternative to low-level drug dealing. Even though an iPhone can be sold for at least $100 on the black market, $20 is “more than I can get for selling [crack cocaine],” said Suhr”


Greg Suhr believes that with the passage of time a huge number of criminals are now turning to mobile phone stealing from drug dealing because it is lot easier, gives more payout and less risky at the same time. According to him, “When everybody is mystified as to why narcotics arrests are down, maybe it’s because there are so many cellphone robbers.”


In the meantime, snatching and running method of mobile phone thieves is becoming more and more common in San Francisco, because it completely surprises the victim and thus remains more successful way for them to slap people’s handsets.


Source: iPhoneinCanada

Photo: Ubergizmo

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