Renowned Technologist and Blogger Robert Scoble says he “Will Never Live a Day of” His Life Without Google Glass

By: Ali Raza  |   May 2nd, 2013   |   Gadgets, Google, News

Famous American blogger, Robert Scoble, who is also an author and technical evangelist, believes that Google Glass is going to be a big driver of how we use technology in the future. While writing his review on Google Glass after having it for two weeks Scoble mentioned he had realised that the only thing which is stopping the head mounted device from ruling the universe is the incapability of Google’s co-founder Larry Page to price it as low as $200. Here are the six points that Scoble has written after using Google Glass for two weeks:


“1. I will never live a day of my life from now on without it (or a competitor). It’s that significant.


2. The success of this totally depends on price. Each audience I asked at the end of my presentations “who would buy this?” As the price got down to $200 literally every hand went up. At $500 a few hands went up. This was consistent, whether talking with students, or more mainstream, older audiences.


3. Nearly everyone had an emotional outburst of “wow” or “amazing” or “that’s crazy” or “stunning.”


4. At NextWeb 50 people surrounded me and wouldn’t let me leave until they had a chance at trying them. I haven’t seen that kind of product angst at a conference for a while. This happened to me all week long, it is just crazy.


5. Most of the privacy concerns I had before coming to Germany just didn’t show up. I was shocked by how few negative reactions I got (only one, where an audience member said he wouldn’t talk to me with them on). Funny, someone asked me to try them in a bathroom (I had them aimed up at that time and refused).


6. There is a total generational gap that I found. The older people said they would use them, probably, but were far more skeptical, or, at minimum, less passionate about the fact that these are the future, than the 13-21-year-olds I met.”


Surely Google Glass is an amazing gadget that is heading our way, but it’s almost impossible that Larry Page and company will make the HMD available at a price as low as $200 because the search engine giant has charged developers $1500 for the device. Google will probably not be able to launch Glass for the general public at a price below $1500.  However, nothing can be said for sure about the future, as may introduce a cheaper version of the Glass to bring down its price.


Source: Google+, 9to5Google

Photo: WhiteBoard

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