Report says Apple and Yahoo are in Talks to Expand Their Association

By: Ali Raza  |   April 10th, 2013   |   Apple, Business, iOS, Mobile Apps, News, Smartphones, Tablets

The Wall Street Journal has reported that Apple and Yahoo are in active talks on the subject of increasing their association. Although, the WSJ’s report did not exactly mention what the increased partnership would include, it did highlight that Apple would like to have more of Yahoo’s data on its iOS devices including the iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone. Now the companies are talking about ways to pull more data from Yahoo onto iOS devices, which includes both news and expanded sports data from the company, probably via Siri or another built-in application. Moreover, Yahoo is also allegedly finding new ways to help Apple reduce its dependency on Google for search.


One of the people familiar with the talks revealed that, “Data from Yahoo Finance and its weather site already come preloaded onto iPhones and Yahoo data like sports stats help power Apple’s voice-activated “assistant” Siri. But the companies continue to discuss new arrangements, including possible deals to get more content from Yahoo Sports and Yahoo News, among other Yahoo Web properties, preloaded onto Apple devices or available through an expanded partnership with Siri.”


The association between the two companies is quite mature, as Yahoo was the first third-party email that was assimilated in the iPhone Mail app. In addition to this, the weather and stocks app on iOS devices pulls their data from Yahoo, whereas Siri uses the sports statistics from the company. Besides this, back in 2007, one of the founders of Yahoo was invited to the stage to join the late Steve Jobs at the announcement of iPhone to talk about their partnership. Additionally, the Safari web browser from Apple includes Yahoo as a web search function as well as a source for sports, stocks and weather data.


According to 9to5Mac, “Because Apple already relies on data from Yahoo in many aspects of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch operating system, the next possible path could be related to Yahoo seeing a prominent view for web searches completed on the iOS devices.” Furthermore, Yahoo possibly will see more of itself on the Mac computers of Apple, as Siri is likely find its way to OS X.


The depth in the association between the two companies could be judged from that fact that the Senior Vice President of Design at Apple, Jonathan Ive was spotted at a dinner with the CEO of Yahoo, Marisa Mayer, along with several other executives from Silicon Valley. Also back in 2011, Mayer gave an interview in which she talked on various topics, including Apple. Mayer also gave iPhones to each employee of Yahoo, when their company issued the flagship device.


Source: 9to5Mac, TheVerge

Photo: 9to5Mac

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