Report says US Department of Defence is Purchasing 650,000 Apple Devices to Replace Aging BlackBerry Devices

By: Ali Raza  |   March 22nd, 2013   |   Android, Apple, Business, iOS, News, O Canada, Smartphones, Tablets

Electronista has reported that the US Department of Defence is looking to purchase 650,000 Apple devices as a “part of its mobile testing program,” according to iPhoneinCanada. Here are the exact words from Electronista report: “We were told that the breakdown was 120,000 iPads, 100,000 iPad minis, 200,000 iPod touches, and the remaining 210,000 filled by various iPhones. Specific models were not shared, and would likely be specified at the time of the cessation of sequester spending restrictions. Ultimate destinations for the hardware varies, with Electronista being told that more than half are headed to the battlefield, afloat, and to associated support commands. Most of the rest will stay [at the Pentagon].” Apart from this Electronista has also claimed that another source has informed them that these new Apple devices would replace 470,000 BlackBerry devices. These BlackBerry devices are aging and are also not running the latest BB10 OS from the Waterloo-based company.


If the report turn out to be true then, it will be big blow for BlackBerry, as the company has already lost a big chunk of its market share to both iOS and Android-based devices. Moreover, for the past one year BlackBerry has been trying  hard to turn the tables around in order to get back into the competition. It because of this very reason CEO Thorsten Heins and company shifted gears and developed a brand new ecosystem of hardware and software, which BlackBerry has launched at the start of February.


However, it seems that even the new BlackBerry 10 failed to stop the US Department of Defence from relinquishing the aging devices from the Canadian company. Nevertheless, the US Department of Defence was not the only organization that has decided to switch its BlackBerry devices with the iOS, as during last month Pentagon has officially confirmed that shortly they would be welcoming more 100,000 Android and iOS devices to their network.


The confirmation from pentagon was actually a part of its previous announcement in which the organization declared that it will purchase 162,500 Android devices along with iPads and iPhones. The report came in at a time when BlackBerry was all set to launch its BlackBerry Z10 in the US market on March 22nd. Previously, the struggles of BlackBerry started from the US market, where Apple and Android devices ate into its market share, as in comparison to them the beloved smartphone manufacturer from Canada failed to offer a decent app ecosystem. Now BlackBerry has worked on its app store called BlackBerry World to bring it in line with competitors.


Source: iPhoneinCanada

Photo: OnSoftware

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