New Report Shows Major Increase In Internet Usage Among Older Canadians

By: Talha Bhatti  |   March 14th, 2013   |   News, O Canada

Most people believe that older individuals have a problem with new technologies like computers and the internet. However, with computing devices starting to penetrate deeper into our every day lives it is becoming even more important for older Canadians to learn to use newer technologies to communicate, work and play. A new study released by Statistics Canada shows that Canadians aged 65 and above are up for the challenge and internet use among this demographic is increasing. The report shows that elderly Canadian in 2010 had shown a major increase in usage from 2000. The study claims that of Canadians who are over the age of 75, 29% have used the internet in the last month. Similarly, 60% of Canadians aged 65 to 74 used the internet in the past month.


Statistics Canada notes a trend for online consumption from 2000 to 2010 and says, “youth became less of a vanguard as older age groups were catching on.” However the organization still sees a “digital generation gap in the consumption of culture on the Internet.” According to the report this difference is most prominent when it come to music and video downloading. 87% of the younger age bracket, Canadians aged 15 to 24, listen to downloaded music regularly. When it comes to citizens aged 65 to 74 the number drops to 10% during one week.


Older Canadians do not seem to be attracted to digital music formats when compared to younger users. another interesting statistic shows that 6% of Canadians aged 15 to 24 listened to records and CDs in 2010. This number increases drastically to 80% when the study looked at the habits of the 65 and over age group.


As can be expected young Canadians watch a lot more videos online than elder residents. 80% of Canadians from the ages of 18 to 24 stream movies and television shows online. Only 10% of residents 65 and above do the same.


The elderly are getting more accustomed to the internet and a digital media. According to the Pew Internet Project email is the major reason the elderly utilize the web. However the demographic is looking at other uses of the internet with a 34% increase from 2005 to 2012 in social network utilization for used  aged 65 and over.
The last 10 years have seen the internet go from being a very exclusive domain of the young and tech savvy to be a place where older users have also found a place.

The Statistics Canada report also draws some conclusions from its data to predict upcoming trends. The reports states that users ages 65 to 74 have a higher probability of having reading as a hobby and this can mean e-reading could become a niche market for older internet users. The report says that the baby boomer generation, “represent an important market for new products and platforms.”

Source: Tech Vibes

Image: Comfort Life

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