Research Firm Claims Apple May Launch iRadio Streaming Service in 2013

By: Talha Bhatti  |   December 3rd, 2012   |   Apple, Business, iOS, News

Apple has dominated digital music with its iTunes service and devices like the iPod. However, the technology giant is feeling the pinch of competition as new services like Pandora offer online music streaming. This has led to many rumours that the California based iPhone maker will be releasing a streaming music service of its own for iOS devices.


The biggest news to come out regarding the buzz was a report from the New York Post which stated that Sony and Apple had been in talks to create a streaming music service, but issues arose at the end of the talks which has since delayed the launch. Now CNET reports that BTIG Research is claiming the “iRadio” service could be ready for consumption as early as next year.


The research firm states that the “Radio” option available in the recently released iTunes 11 is a clue as to what is coming down the pipeline from Apple. BTIG states that the option in its current form “is unappealing to most consumers today, we believe the radio service can easily be updated“.


The firm also went on to say;

“We expect Apple’s iRadio to be vastly superior to Pandora because Apple is unwilling to settle for compulsory music licenses. Instead, expect iRadio to seek direct deals with labels at premium rates enabling iRadio to offer a superior feature set including a global solution (sites like Pandora are limited to the US), increased skips (compulsory licenses limit skips to six/hour) and maybe most importantly, extended caching so that wireless dead-zones are no longer a problem whether driving, flying or underground.”


BTIG anticipates that Apple will be unleashing the “iRadio” on the masses before the middle of 2013.

Source: iPhone In Canada

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