Reuters Profile says Apple CEO Tim Cook not Afraid to Take Tough Decisions

By: Ali Raza  |   August 22nd, 2013   |   Apple, Business, Mobile Apps, News, Smartphones, Tablets

Apple CEO Tim Cook took over the iPhone maker after former CEO late Steve Jobs decided to vacate his post due to health problems in 2011. Since then Cook was heading the company and it was not an easy job because after Steve’s departure, Apple had no new major products in its line-up, the stock of the company also started to slide badly and more importantly the Apple maps fiasco further increased the problems of the California-based tech giant. However, it was under the leadership of Cook that Apple was able to deal with these issues and it is because of this very reason Reuters has recently highlighted his character by publishing a profile on the Cupertino-based company’s executive. According to Reuters Cook is not afraid to take tough decisions in hard times, which could be judged from the fact that when:


“[The Apple Maps fiasco] prompted him to fast-track his thinking on the future direction of the critical phone and tablet software known as iOS, a person close to Apple recounted.


Cook soon issued a public apology to customers, fired Forstall, and handed responsibility for software design to Jony Ive, a Jobs soul-mate who had previously been in charge only of hardware design.”


The CEO of Walt Disney Co. and Director of Apple, Bob Iger said that, “The vision that Tim had to involve Jony and to essentially connect two very, very important Apple initiatives or areas of focus – that was a big decision on Tim’s part and he made it independently and very, very resolutely.”


Bob Iger also did not have any doubt on the leadership of Cook, as according to him, “[Cook took on] a very, very difficult role given the person that he’s succeeded and the company he’s running.


I think he’s done so with a deft hand, a strong sense of himself. With that comes a real self-honesty that he is who he is, and not what the world expects him to be, or what Steve was. And I like that.”


As far as the employees of Apple are concerned, they also like Cook, as an ex-employee of the company revealed that staff members she knew like the current CEO, while another employee shared that they were “being inundated by LinkedIn messages and emails both by people who I never imagined would leave Apple.”


But to the extent other analysts and investors are concerned it cannot be said with surety whether they also have the same confidence in Cook. So now it a lot depends on the fortunes of the forthcoming iPhone 5S and 5C.


Source: 9to5Mac

Photo: LetsChatMac

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