RIM Was Almost Another Android User

By: Kuljit Grewal  |   August 4th, 2012   |   Android, Business, News, O Canada, Smartphones

RIM CEO Thorsten Heins recently had a very candid interview with the UK Telegraph, revealing among other things (TQ was on it) that the company is strongly considering licensing their BB10 platform. Before that decision was reached however, the company also considered focusing on hardware and electing to use the Android mobile platform rather than re-work their own software.


It is amazing to consider that the once iconic Canadian company almost totally opted out of the one area of their business that brought them their fame, however there is little denying that they have become a laggard.


The decision between developing their own operating system in house versus using the Android platform occurred while the company was transitioning from the much maligned BlackBerry OS 7 into BB10.


One has to wonder however if the company might be strongly regretting the decision. Although it most likely would have been a polarizing decision at that point in time, there is no denying the broad application and popularity of the Android platform and its various renditions. Both Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean have been extremely well received, and would have represented a significant upgrade over anything RIM has produced in years.


Add to this the fact that BB10 has been delayed twice and postponed to Q1 of 2013, and the decision seems like it may not have been in the company’s best interest. The lack of new software and phones worth noting has left RIM standing around watching while Samsung, HTC and Apple line up new product releases and software.


As a Canadian and as someone who is a sucker for comebacks, we sincerely hope that RIM recovers strongly and that BB10 is truly a standout platform. There is little doubt however that the battle will be an uphill one with the weight of expectations and negative stigma harnessed onto the back on the Waterloo company.

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