RIM Gets US Government FIPS PUB 140-2 Certification Before Release of Black Berry 10

By: Kevin Green  |   November 10th, 2012   |   Business, News, O Canada, Smartphones

Canadian technology giant, Research In Motion (RIM), stated on November 8 that the company had successfully received Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 140-2 (FIPS PUB 140-2) certification for their highly awaited BlackBerry 10 platform. The government issued security clearance means that departments in the US as well as the Canadian government can use BlackBerry 10 smartphones and RIM’s mobile enterprise management solution called BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 the moment it is made public.


RIM explains the certification by stating that, “FIPS helps security-conscious organizations, including US and Canadian government agencies, companies in regulated industries, and other organizations dealing with sensitive information, be confident that data stored on smartphones running BlackBerry 10 can be properly secured and encrypted.”


The news is good for BlackBerry fans and it shows that RIM is playing up to its strengths. The firm has lost a lot of clients to competitors like Apple and Google but one area it has kept a decent market share in is enterprise, where clients require the most secure mobile communications possible. Interestingly, this is the first time that RIM has gotten FIPS certified before the  launch for an OS or product. This shows that RIM is leaving no stone unturned to make its BB10 and its associated devices a hit.


President of Security Product Management and Research at RIM, Michael K. Brown, said that, “No other mobile solution has achieved the level of security accreditation that the BlackBerry solution has.” However, South Korean heavy weight, Samsung, is making a lot of moves in the corporate and enterprise sector while RIM has been losing clients in the US government to Androids and iPhones.


Source: The Next Web

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