RIM Reveals Official Screen Resolutions for Upcoming BB10 Devices

By: Kuljit Grewal  |   August 21st, 2012   |   Business, News, O Canada, Smartphones

As RIM debuts their two latest BB10 devices to their global carriers, they have released another valuable piece of the puzzle, officially announcing the screen resolution of their upcoming phones. As mentioned earlier this week on our site (TQ was on it), RIM will be releasing two different styles of devices; a large full touch device as well as a touch and QWERTY combo phone similar to current Bold models.


The aforementioned style of devices will have three BlackBerry devices each targeting the low, mid and high points of the market. All of the phones are in their very final stages of testing and according to RIM and CEO Thorsten Heins should not face any more delays as their early 2013 launch data approaches.


The new screen resolutions will likely be better received by RIM’s developers, who have been irked in the past by the wide range of resolutions offered by the multitude of BlackBerry device available. The latest aim of the company has been to standardize the resolutions for each style of device for the sake of consumers and developers alike.


The resolutions for the devices will be as follows:

–          Full touch screen featuring 1280×720 (16:9)

–          QWERTY and touch featuring 720×720 (1:1)


The resolutions are high and should provide for vivid and bold images and overall browsing. Here’s hoping the revamped and standardizes resolutions will be well received.

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