RIM’s Chief Marketing Officer says 70,000 Apps will be Available at the Launch of BB10

By: Ali Raza  |   January 4th, 2013   |   Apple, Mobile Apps, News, O Canada, Smartphones

Research In Motion is pulling every string to make its next BlackBerry 10 hardware and software successful. However, due to the slightly poor history of the company’s software, RIM has often faced severe criticism from tech industry analysts.


RIM has even manufactured a new line-up of smartphones that will bear a novel OS in order to compete with the smartphone market giants Apple and Samsung to reclaim its market share. In spite of all its hard work RIM is still under the attack of critics who are saying that the new BlackBerry platform does not have a sufficient number of apps to support it.


RIM on the other hand denies these claims and insists that there are a vast number of applications for the next gen BB10 platform and they will be made available with the launch of the next Blackberry phones that was slated for January 30. Once these apps were released users would be able to have more fun with the new BB10 devices.


Talking about their upcoming apps Chief Marketing Officer of RIM, Frank Boulben stated in an interview with Forbes that “at launch we will have more than 70,000 apps available.”


If what Boulben says proves true then RIM’s new platform will have a huge amount of apps to use and it will also quench the thirst of app thirsty consumers, who have always criticised this Waterloo based company over a lack of apps. Now it is assumed with this statement from Boulben that the new platform will showcase social networks, famous games and necessary productivity apps.


Source: TechVibes

Photo: TechVibes


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