New Robotic Limb Look, Feels and Moves Realistically Giving Amputees Greater Dexterity

By: Talha Bhatti  |   November 27th, 2012   |   Business, Gadgets, Health, News

Robotic limbs have been part of science fiction for quite some time but the reality of the situation is that most prosthetic body parts used by people that have lost limbs are not very hi-tech or realistic. The bebionic3 is looking to change all that with its realism and large range of movement.


The device is a myoelectric prosthetic hand which uses the left over neuro-muscular signals from an amputees muscle to work properly. bebionic3 can create 14 different hand positions which are controlled by the combinations created by the patients muscles. This allows the person wearing the prosthetic to recreate motions that are too complex for traditional prosthetics including shaking hands and opening bottles. The hand is very sensitive and can actually react to outside condition like tightening a grip of an item is slipping.


The prosthetic has a software called bebalance which allows for customization and lets the user create a truly unique bionic hand. The software can also help the user train with the prosthetic and use it to its maximum capability.


The bebionic3 comes in 19 different skin color gloves so that users feel that it looks like a real hand. The effects of this realistic look and feel are best stated by a user who said that, “Having a bebionic hand is like being human again, psychologically I wouldn’t be without it. I can hold the phone, shake hands and wash my left hand normally, which I haven’t been able to for five years….Overall, the bebionic hand has had a great impact on my life, not only does it look more like a human hand but it also functions more like a human hand.”

The prosthetic should improve with time and may bring people with missing limbs back to the work force. They may also be able to live their lives more easily and with much less difficulty.

Source: PSFK

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