Samsung Exploring Other Markets As Apple Limits Its Reliance on Samsung Chips

By: Zain Nabi  |   January 10th, 2013   |   News

As Apple limits its reliance on Samsung for the chips used in iPhones and iPads, the latter is now exploring other markets to sell its chips and ensure that business stays unaffected.


Apple is Samsung’s biggest buyer and competitor at the same time. Samsung’s smartphones and tablets have given a pretty tough competition to Apple’s iPhones and iPads, and have occupied the market once dominated by Apple.


Apple, however, is helpless as it buys chips from Samsung and inserts them in its smartphones and tablets. Now that the California-based company has reduced its reliance on Samsung products, it is only justified for the South Korean company to explore other potential markets to ensure smooth sailing in the business world.


According to Reuters, president of Samsung’s System LSI business, Stephen Woo, said in an interview, about strengthening relationships with other market players:


“As there are just two smartphone makers that are doing really well, chipmakers supplying them have grown in tandem. So we plan to bolster our relationship with those key customers.”


Samsung and Apple are involved in a billion-dollar business per year only because of buying and selling these chips. Different reports suggest that Apple will take away around 80 per cent of the business it gives to Samsung at present in the next five or six years. Realising this fact, Woo told Reuters:


“(We) should diversify our customer base and are making such efforts already, adding some Chinese customers.”


Many emerging brands are already using chips supplied by Samsung, but finding a replacement for such a huge buyer like Apple is not going to be an easy task for Samsung.


Source: Reuters

Photo: idownloadblog

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