Samsung Reportedly Looking to Use Carbon Fibre in Future Tablets and Mobile Phones

By: Ali Raza  |   June 27th, 2013   |   Apple, News, Smartphones, Tablets

After Samsung joined hands with the leading manufacturer of fibre products, SGL Group, rumours have started swirling that the South Korean OEM might be looking to use their partners hi-tech material in place of traditional plastic that it is currently using to build its tablets and mobile phones. “The cooperation is expected to provide a stable long-term supply of carbon fiber materials for Samsung and promote its use in various Samsung products and applications such as consumer electronics, medical devices and engineering applications. Carbon fiber materials from SGL Group will be preferred by the Joint Venture …”


The South Korean company might possibly have taken this step to confront its critics, who have severely criticised Samsung for using plastic to produce its flagship devices such as the latest Galaxy S IV smartphone. Therefore, it is said that Samsung has entered into the joint venture with SGL, so it could not only give a tough time to its rivals such as Apple and HTC, which uses aluminium to make their handsets, but also beat them by using high quality carbon fibre in its mobile devices.


The usage of carbon fibre is increasing in consumer products because the high quality material is an ideal reciprocal of steel. It also offers ten times more strength and less weight which makes a structure stronger and lower in weight. It is because of this very reason today manufacturers are using carbon fibre in aeroplanes, cars and several other products in order to make the more sturdy and light weight. If Samsung uses carbon in its products users also may start preferring its devices over the ones made from metal.


If Samsung uses carbon fibre in future devices it will not be the first time that a mobile phone maker have utilised the material to make a handset because back in 2008 Finnish mobile maker Nokia produced a phone called the 8800 Carbon Arte with this material. Nevertheless, at this point in time one cannot say with surety whether Samsung will use carbon fibre in its future devices because the company has not rolled out such a plan to date. With the increasing pressure of replacing the plastic material the company currently uses, it is highly likely that Samsung may soon introduce a new material in its devices that can match the high quality of aluminium. Hopefully the Korean firm makes changes soon so it can stop the critics and re-ignite their fans passion.


Source: 9to5Google

Photo: Phandroid

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