Sony to Roll Out Android 4.3 for Latest Xperia Devices and Older Ones Running 4.1

By: Ali Raza  |   July 28th, 2013   |   Android, Google, News, Smartphones, Tablets

Google made Android 4.3 official on Wednesday, July 24th during an event where the search engine giant announced several other new products as well. However, the announcement of Android 4.3 was significant because up to now numerous tech companies had not even rolled out Android Jelly Bean 4.2 upgrades to most of their new and previous devices. However there is hope after Google announced its latest edition because the Japanese electronics producer, Sony, is looking quite excited about the announcement of the latest version of Android Jelly Bean. The company said in its latest blog post that:


“Sony’s Jelly Bean 4.2 upgrade for Xperia Z and Xperia ZL is well underway* – next up, Xperia ZR and Xperia Tablet Z will start receiving 4.2 from early August.


Yesterday you probably saw Google announce the next version of Jelly Bean (Android 4.3) – we’re already getting stuck in and can confirm we’ll make 4.3 available for: Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia ZR, Xperia Tablet Z, Xperia SP and Xperia Z Ultra…


We’re also looking at uplifting some of our other devices running 4.1 direct to 4.3 – we’ll share more info / deets / timings when we can, so be sure to follow @SonyMobileNews for all the latest.”


Keeping the previous track record of Sony in mind, it seems dubious that the Japanese smartphone maker will soon be able to roll out the new Android 4.3 to its devices. Given that earlier in December 2012 the company promised its customers to bring out Android 4.2 updates for ten of its 2012 Xperia devices, but failed to fulfil its commitment, as Sony has sent out those updates only last month.


It appears that Sony is also well aware of this issue. Therefore, at the end of its latest blog post Japanese OEM said that “we’re aware the process hasn’t been as succinct or as timely as you might’ve expected. As part of Developer World’s piece, Fredrik Ekstrand, our Head of Software Product Management, elaborates on some of the reasons for this, but essentially – we’ve heard your frustrations and are constantly improving the way we do things.”


Now it remains to be seen how quickly Sony will roll out Android 4.3 for its Xperia customers, who are anxiously waiting to get their hands on the new edition of Google’s OS that promises lots of improvements and superior experience as compared to its predecessor.


Source: TNW, Blog.SonyMobile

Photo: Blog.SonyMobile

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