Sony Ready to Unveil Next Generation Gaming Console on February 20 in New York City – Report

By: Ali Raza  |   February 4th, 2013   |   Games, News

Previously, TQ reported that rumours regarding the next generation gaming console from Sony were getting hot. More recent news is also pointing at Sony getting ready to release the successor of PlayStation 3 and the Japanese company has disbursed invites for a PlayStation themed event on February 20 that will take place in New York City. Along with the invite, a teaser video was also attached. The video showed the PlayStations previous design and its is not clear if Sony will unveil its next gen gaming console at the event. The multinational corporation did not give away any other details about the event, but this announcement has definitely reignited the rumours related to PS4’s debut.


The Wall Street Journal has quoted that it has come to know from “people familiar with the matter” that Sony is looking to announce PS4 during the February 20 event “beating Microsoft Corp. to the punch in announcing its own next-generation game machine.” Moreover, according to WSJ these people also said that considering the changes taking place in the industry, “Sony is planning to incorporate more social gaming aspects into the new machine.”


WSJ also reported that “people familiar with the matter” bring to their knowledge that, while developing the next gen PlayStation, “Sony had considered removing its optical disk drive, opting instead to require gamers to download titles over the Internet, people familiar with the matter said. But concerns over the size of videogame files, and slow Web connections in some countries led Sony to scrap the plan, they added. Microsoft made a similar decision for its console as well.”


Lastly, WSJ wrote that the Japanese company will probably incorporate AMD chips into the upcoming console instead of the Cell chip developed by Sony-IBM-Toshiba, which is to be found in the current model of PlayStation.


Source: Cnet, WSJ

Photo: Cnet

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