SpaceX Determined to Send Humans into Space

By: Zain Nabi  |   January 10th, 2013   |   News

SpaceX seems pretty much eager to send humans to space as Garrett Reisman, a SpaceX employee, recently said that they feel “a sense of urgency” to ship the humans into the space.


At a joint press conference recently, SpaceX and NASA talked about the plans of sending humans into the space and the efforts they will take in 2013 to make it happen.


NASA has already made it clear that it would allow private entities to go into the space on low-Earth orbit missions, while it would continue to explore the space deeply by itself. This has presented an opportunity for the commercial entities to send their respective rockets into the space.


SpaceX has already sent its rocket into the space as it completed a commercial delivery of cargo to the International Space Station last year in October. After the successful completion of that trip, SpaceX is now eager to send humans into the space. Reisman said:


“We feel a sense of urgency to get Americans back into space on safe and reliable transportation on American-made rockets.”


Talking about the cargo delivery, Reisman said:


“We already had a rocket-traveling back and forth to the space station. We took the approach, ‘What do we have to do to modify this to carry people?’”


A number of steps must be taken to transport humans into the space. When it comes to cargo delivery the method is relatively easier, but transporting living beings calls for much more active measures that also include ensuring life safety of the travellers.


SpaceX will have to get a NASA certification before being able to send their rockets carrying humans into the space. SpaceX is expected to be ready for the test of their systems by the end of this year, and in April 2014 it is expected to carry out its in-flight abort test.


Source: venturebeat

Photo: SpaceX

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