Steve Wozniak Praises Apple for Finding the Formula of Being Innovative

By: Ali Raza  |   August 28th, 2013   |   Apple, Business, iOS, News

During an interview with BBC the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak praised his company for finding the formula of being innovative because according to him when it comes to size the Cupertino-based company is not as big as Microsoft, which has been “resting on” the products it had created a “long, long time ago.” Talking about the CEO or Microsoft Steve Ballmer in the light of his retirement, Wozniak said that under his watch the software giant did not excel as much as it had under Bill Gates.


On the other hand after the departure of late Steve Jobs, both market and investors showed tried to put Cook under pressure by saying that Apple should introduce some revolutionary product that will change the industry. As result of these concerns several questions have been raised regarding the leadership of Cook. However, Wozniak calm down the things by saying that investors and market should understand that “great advances for mankind don’t happen every year.”


“Steve jobs had very strong feelings about what makes a company great, what makes products great. He more-or-less chose Tim Cook to be in that role, in that position,” Mr Wozniak told the BBC’s chief business correspondent Linda Yueh.


During the interview, Wozniak also talked about the biggest rival of Apple, Samsung, which has achieved impressive growth in very short time and today it is the number one smartphone maker in the world. According to Wozniak, though Apple produces excellent products, but South Korean OEM Samsung has penetrated well in the emerging markets in contrast to the California-based company.


He said, “Samsung had great marketing prowess. They also had distribution channels in so many markets of the world that Apple was not in, because Apple more-or-less grew up under the Macintosh, which had a low world market share.


You are going up against people that already have the connections, the business strategies, the business methodologies of those other parts of the world.” He also said that, “It is going to be a fight for Apple and a worthy fight.”


However, now reports suggests that to penetrate in the developing markets like China and India, Apple has developed a low-cost iPhone and it is expected that the company will launch the inexpensive version of its flagship smartphone along with the successor of iPhone 5 on September 10th at an event. Let’s see how helpful low-cost iPhone will remain for Apple in order to boost its market share in developing markets.


Source: iPhoneinCanada

Photo: iPhoneinCanada

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