Survey Reveals Demand for iPhone in the USA Likely to Surpass Android Devices Until 2015

By: Ali Raza  |   April 27th, 2013   |   Android, Apple, iOS, News, Smartphones

IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker has revealed that the global share of Apple in worldwide market has gone up by 8.9 percent during the last year, but in contrast to it Samsung has took the lead as its international market share stands at 27.5 percent. In addition to this, Apple’s share in the worldwide smartphone market has also witnessed a decline, as its growth in the sector was just 6.6 percent. This was the first time that Apple’s growth has remained in the single digit after 2009. However, this does not mean at all that the future of Apple is not bright, as Yankee Group has conducted a survey after covering 16,000 consumers in the last 12 months, which shows that the customer loyalty will change in the future because demand for iPhone in America likely to surpass Android devices until 2015.


The latest survey has divulged that 91 percent of iPhone users have intention to switch their handset with another flagship smartphone from Apple in the next six months, whereas only 6 percent of the iPhone consumers showed interest in switching to an Android device the next time they will buy a handset. This indicates that of the 10 iPhone users over 9 are devoted with the platform.


In contrast to it about 76 percent of the Android users have an intention to switch their device with an Android phone, whereas rest of the 24 percent have plans to exchange their device with a non-Android device, of which 18 percent have plans to purchase an iPhone. Therefore, contrary to the Android device owners, iPhone users are more loyal to the platform. Sources also claim that if you apply the same rule to buyers who are looking to purchase a smartphone for the first time then, two third of them had shown the intent of buying an Android or iPhone.


“Think of the Apple and Android ecosystems as two buckets of water. New smartphone buyers — mostly upgrading feature phone owners — fall like rain into the two big buckets about equally, with a smaller number falling into Windows Phone and BlackBerry buckets. However, the Android bucket leaks badly, losing about one in five of all the owners put into it. The Apple bucket leaks only about 7 percent of its contents, so it retains more of the customers that fall into it. The Apple bucket will fill up faster and higher than the Android one, regardless of the fact that the Apple bucket may have had fewer owners in it to begin with.”


Source: iPhoneinCanada, 9to5Mac

Photo: iPhoneinCanada

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