Survey Shows Teenagers Careful About Their Privacy

By: Talha Bhatti  |   August 26th, 2013   |   News

CBS News has published a story which reveals that a, “Pew Research Study has revealed that teens are much more conscious of their privacy than may have been expected.” The survey was a poll from users of mobile phones from age 12 to 17 about how much they were concerned about their privacy. The report goes on to explain that, “The survey found that only 58 percent of teens had ever even downloaded apps to their smartphone or tablet in the first place.” In this modern world this number is surprising and given the large number of teens who own mobile phones or tablets, this is very low.

It has also been seen that teens tend to avoid using apps or features that ask for more information or that show their location specially females. “Furthermore, 26 percent of teen mobile app users have actively uninstalled an app for privacy reasons. The survey found that nearly 60 percent of female app users make a point of shutting down the tracking feature. Boys were found to be less bothered by that particular invasion of privacy, with 37 percent turning location settings off.” The difference between boys and girls’ need for privacy may have arisen from girls feeling more insecure and their need to not be tracked by anyone.

However, downloading of various apps is one of the favourite activities among teens who have been seen to be always using their phones or other such devices. The percentage of teenage boys who have downloaded apps is around 79% while girls have a slightly lower percentage at 62%. These include all kinds of apps such as games or those being used for utility purposes and it has not been determined which apps are being used more.

The combined income of the family is another factor that affects the rate at which teenagers download apps. The percentage is higher for those teens that have a higher family income than those who have a lower income.

“The survey was conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project last year. Using telephone interviews between July 26 and September 30, 2012, the survey polled a “nationally representative” base of 802 individuals to build its percentages. Pew Research Center estimates that the margin of error for each figure is roughly plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.” This is an important piece of work that shows the behaviour of teenagers regarding downloading of apps and privacy concerns.

Source: National Monitor

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