TQ App Review – Zombies, Run!

By: Zain Nabi  |   March 26th, 2013   |   Games, iOS, Mobile Apps

As the name suggests, this app features ample amounts of both Zombies and running. While you will not be dealing with actual physical zombies when you use this app, you will certainly be doing a lot of actual running around. Much to the benefit of gym laggards (like me), Zombies, Run! presents a unique motivational game to keep your fitness routine going. Set in the backdrop of a hypothetical era when the survival of the world depends on the app user (no pressure), you are responsible for keeping yourself safe from a zombie invasion while ensuring the survival of others around you. Zombies, Run! cleverly comes up with a fitness schedule for users who subsequently run in the real world to beat the zombies in the app, an intriguing combination of real world activity and in game entertainment.

Category: Health and Fitness

Rating: 4/5


What’s good?


The app is a lot of fun to say the least. Even if you are not very conscious about your fitness, this app will not only make you follow a fitness routine, it will have you doing so willingly because of how fun it is. The audio that guides you through the entire process features a captivating and thrilling story-line that gets you into the game. After all, the survival of your race depends on you and your running routine. Moreover, the soundtracks also push you to give your best when you work out.


What’s not?


While Zombies, Run! can certainly make people like me follow a fitness routine, it is not a convincing or challenging enough app for fitness enthusiasts. Apparently, it lacks the rigorous schedule the fitness enthusiasts seek. While the app has different missions all of them are relatively short (less than 30 minutes). So, while the app serves the needs of not-so-regular gym visitors, it does not serve the interest of those who are involved in intense workouts or training for a marathon.


Our Take


We would not discourage you from using this app, although you must mentally prepare to commit to a workout routine before buying it. For an average runner, Zombies, Run! is yet another supportive feature to keep them fit and committed to a workout routine. For fitness enthusiasts, Zombies, Run! is nothing more than fun, zombie child’s play if you will!

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