Triposo Adds New Features to its Popular App

By: Umair Yousuf  |   January 26th, 2013   |   Apple, iOS, Mobile Apps, News, Social Media

Need a hotel room fast? Or wish to check out the latest events taking place in your area? Look no further than Triposo’s new travel guide application for iOS devices. The application has now been upgraded with new features to deliver the best results to users and an Android version is also set to become available soon.


Launched in October 2012 the application is free to download and delivers content by tapping into a smartphone’s GPS to predict content based on the user’s location and time of the day. Triposo recently added new advanced features to the application making it a truly “living and breathing travel guide” in the words of Triposo co-founder Richard Osinga.


The newly added features include in-app dining tips, a last-minute hotel room locator as well as public Facebook events in venues close to a user’s location.


In an interview about the application Osinga said:


“In this release we make sure we include as much information as possible, to make you change your plans, and do stuff that you did not expect to do, and see stuff that you did not expect to see.”


Triposo is also looking at ways to monetise its offerings in order to continue providing the service for free, while its strategy of offering in-app special deals is quickly attracting a growing user base. Osinga is confident of the application’s success and said:


“We’re a tech company, they don’t start from tech, they aren’t driven by engineers. They create content, we don’t create content, we try to find out how tech can make your life better.”


Source: Beta Kit

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