Twitter for BlackBerry to be Updated as Well

By: Kuljit Grewal  |   July 18th, 2012   |   Mobile Apps, News, O Canada, Social Media

Although many may considered RIM and their BlackBerry devices a sinking ship that does not mean that their apps are getting short changed, at least not under Twitter’s watch. After announcing updated versions of their app that will feature greater interactivity as well as other user friendly features for the iOS, Android and even Nokia platforms, the company announced that Twitter for BlackBerry will also be getting the same makeover treatment.


Tweets originating from “partner sites” will now feature in-tweet images and content that can be seen without having to open links, creating a visually compelling and convenient Twitter experience. Other changes to Version 3.1 include RIM maps for all geolocated tweets, re-tweets associated with their original in a specialised tweet details screen as well as right-to-left language compatibility (Arabic tweeting people rejoice!).


The moves make sense on several fronts for the social networking stalwart. First and foremost, updating apps on all platforms ensures that all Twitter users regardless of mobile device will have as good a user experience as possible. The best part of this of course is that Twitter is surprisingly good at generating ad revenue and monetizing their mobile experience, something that Facebook has famously struggled with.


The more users are tweeting and discovering content via their mobile devices, Blackberries included the better it will be for the San Francisco based company. Twitter 3.1 for BlackBerry is available for download now for all those running Software 5.0 or later.

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