ubitricity Hopes to Make Electric Car Charging Easy

By: Zain Nabi  |   February 15th, 2013   |   Business, Cars, News

It has been a long time since electric cars have started running on roads, but we have not seen the manufacturers of such cars gaining success in marketing them all over the world. There are a number of reasons behind such cars’ inability to attain worldwide acceptance, one of them is the difficulty in charging them.


A German start-up, ubitricity, has addressed this area of concern and is planning on introducing measures to make electric charging easy. ubitricity is attempting to create an electric meter that the drivers of electric cars can carry with them at every place they go. The meter can be put into a car’s trunk and will go everywhere the car travels.


Instead of relying on expensive charging stations, the electric car owners can greatly benefit if ubitricity succeeds in its attempt to create ubitricity sockets that would be used to charge the cars. The cost of these sockets will be relatively lower. Hence the car owners will benefit in two ways; they will pay less, and have an opportunity to travel along with their meters.


Gigaom quoted ubitricity CEO and co-founder Knut Hechtfischer as saying:


“If you plug in at home and at work, that’s two sites. So why should you install the full intelligence on two sites instead of bringing it with you?


He added:


“It saves half of the intelligence, half of the respective costs and half of the operation costs.”


Charging your car through the service offered by ubitricity will be like availing the facilities offered by cell phone companies. To charge a car, a standard charging plug should be plugged into a socket made by ubitricity. The meter will keep the track of how much electricity is used in charging and it will send the data to ubitricity, which will then pass it onto the relevant utility. The customer will have an account with the utility and by obtaining the data from ubitricity, the utility will charge them accordingly.


The owners of ubitricity are hopeful for the success of their project because they believe that the solution they are going to provide is cost-effective and convenient because the meters can be adjusted into a car’s trunk. What impacts this project will have on the industry and whether it will attain success is yet to be seen, as ubitricity is planning on releasing its first thousand plugs in the market this year.


Source and Photo: Gigaom

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