Steven Babitsky’s Six Ways to Connect with Your Idol

By: Ali Raza  |   February 22nd, 2013   |   Business, Living, News, Social Media

Every person tries to connect with people, who are considered as icons or have inspired them with their work in an industry. However, it is not that easy for every person to make a connection with such influential people. As a result of that people usually shy away to make contact with their idols but now famous entrepreneur and attorney, Steven Babitsky, who is also a co-author of The Street Smart MBA: 10 Proven Strategies for Driving Business Success, has laid out an effective plan through which people can connect with many of their favorite mentors. Below are the six steps that can connect you with the idols of your industry.


1. Give More and Take Less:


“Give three things and ask for one,” by this Babitsky means that one should offer more to the idols and take less from them. In addition, when a person is interested in getting in touch with an influence, first he or she should determine what they can proffer, as it will be the actual value in the contact. According to entrepreneur Babitsky “may be writing a white paper or book or be organizing a conference where he can offer the individual a speaking gig.


Of course, not everyone is writing books or organizing conferences every day. However, you can offer to interview the person for your blog or for a special report on your web site. Alternatively, you might be involved with a professional or trade organization where you can introduce the individual to your own network of influencers.”


2. Do your Research:


In order not to waste the time of the idols, a person needs to do research or homework beforehand. In this way one can avoid the basic questions, which are asked to gain general information, as it can be easily obtained from the internet. Moreover, try to search for common points and then use them to connect.


3. Make Contact:


According to Babitsky, he likes to contact influencers via email or telephone rather than social media because it gives a more personal feel. However, this formula does not apply in every case therefore people should take cues from the idol. Check to see if your target is active on any social media sites and then tap him or her online.


4. Keep it to the Point and Sweet:


It is important that when a person goes to meet the idol for the first time, he or she needs to keep the meeting short and sweet by asking questions that does not require more than 10 to 15 minutes to elaborate. Because influencers usually do not have enough time to answer lengthy questions, so keep it brief and to the point.


5. Stay in Touch:


Maintaining a record of searchable keywords that are related to the interests of influencer will also prove quite helpful because in this way whenever something related to your idol’s interest comes in front of you, you can always forward it to him or her. It will keep you memorable and relevant at the same time.


6. Try to Give Something in Return:


Babitsky believes that if someone helps you out it important that you must give something back to him or her in return by asking the person if you can do anything for them. So if the person is having a problem, you can help him out. This gesture will let your idol now that you want to return the favour.


Source: Entreprenuer 

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