Ways to Become a Better Entrepreneur

By: Zain Nabi  |   April 10th, 2013   |   Business

In the present era, a number of young start-ups and entrepreneurs attempt to make their mark on the world, claiming the services/products they offer are unprecedented and best. They could be true in a way that their idea is certainly much more interesting than others and has the potential to make it big. But unfortunately, they are unable to execute their idea as effectively as they conceive it. This is the main problem today’s entrepreneurs are facing; they have got potential but not enough conviction so as to make their outstanding idea a reality.


In an article at Gust.com, Martin Zwilling, the founder and CEO of Startup Professionals, has given some tips to become a better entrepreneur. He has mentioned a book “HOT or NOT: How to know if your Business Idea will Fly or Fail” authored by Professor Sean Wise, who believes that execution is the most important aspect of any business and if an entrepreneur fails in executing the conceived idea perfectly then they stand no chance of accelerating in the competitive market.


Mentioning some attributes of entrepreneurs, the writer says that they do not work covertly and keep their idea a secret, assuming that someone would steal it. In fact, according to the writer, entrepreneurs tend to share their idea with friends, family, customers, investors and every other entity that could help them in one way or the other.


In order to be executive an idea effectively, entrepreneurs must be open to constructive criticism and instead of hearing what they like they must urge the people to give honest feedback about their idea so they can bring changes accordingly.


Entrepreneurs set long-term goals and divide their work in short-term goals. Moreover, they work well in coordination with others and ensure that all the people working with them are on the same wavelength.


They build their organisations keeping in mind the business aspect. They find people who are really talented and needed for that job, instead of giving favours to their peers and offering them jobs.


Whenever an idea is conceived, it does not seem very profitable, from an investor’s view, at the nascent stage. It requires some tweaking, and entrepreneurs should not be adamant when it comes to making changes in their idea. They must be adaptable and be willing to question things they like.


Last, but not the least, entrepreneurs should inspire people around them. They must exhibit leadership, dedication and commitment that should become a benchmark for people working with them.


Photo: ATRC

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