Windows 8 Marketing Campaign To Cost Microsoft Over $1 Billion

By: Talha Bhatti  |   October 17th, 2012   |   Business, News, Tablets

Microsoft is not leaving anything to chance with the launch of their much talked about operating system, Windows 8. The makers of the world’s most used PC operating system have put a lot of effort into their latest software and reports indicate they are going to execute a huge marketing campaign to promote Windows 8. Articles in the Wall Street Journal and Forbes are pointing at the budget for the marketing to be around $1.5 to $1.8 billion. The massive amount is three times the amount spent on marketing Windows 7 when it was released in 2010.


The Wall Street Journal has stated that Microsoft plans to kick off its ad campaign this upcoming weekend along with the start of some manufacturers taking pre-orders for Windows 8 PCs and tablets. The advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky grabbed the contract for the ads from Microsoft and the Windows 8 ads should appear nationwide on national television. The company also went a different route with its Surface tablet ads and placed them on subways.


The amount that Microsoft is willing to spend on marketing its OS makes the Windows 8 launch on October 26th the biggest on in the company’s history. The technology giant is expecting heavy demand for the Surface and is planning on setting up special holiday pop-up stores in the US. These should allow users to buy the device at midnight when it is released.


Even though no one is clear soon exactly what the ad campaign will be like, it has been leaked that the company will try teaching people how to use its new software. This seems like a good idea because Windows 8 is expected to have a completely new look and feel.

Source: The Verge

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