Windows held responsible by Nokia for Unimpressive App Selection

By: Talha Bhatti  |   August 6th, 2013   |   Business, News

The Nokia-Microsoft partnership has been going better than many had expected prior to the Finnish phone maker and the leading software company undergoing an agreement. Both were searching for a boost to their well-know, but rapidly deteriorating brand names, forcing the two to lend a hand to each other but after a few success stories, it seems like it may not be as smooth of a sail as it looked like.

Nokia, after burying its Symbian OS to bring on board Windows Mobile, is now blaming Microsoft for the variety and availability of quality apps on the platform. Nokia is satisfied with its performance against the other brands like Apple, Samsung and HTC, but they are still struggling when it comes to the battle of the operating systems. Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platforms are by far leading the scene, while Windows Mobile software is not anywhere to be seen around the top two.

It was Vice President of Nokia, Bryan Biniak, who was speaking with the International Business Times about their relationship. They two are still strong and willing to continue working on a long term basis, but there are specific areas which need major improvement if they wish to continue fighting the big sharks.

“We are releasing new devices frequently and for every new device, if there is an app that somebody cares about that’s not there that’s a missed opportunity of a sale,” Biniak said.

“We are trying to evolve the cultural thinking [at Microsoft] to say ‘time is of the essence.’ Waiting until the end of your fiscal year when you need to close your targets, doesn’t do us any good when I have phones to sell today.”

“People rely on applications for their day-to-day life and if you don’t have something which I use in my day-to-day life I’m not going to switch [operating systems] because I don’t want to compromise the way I live my life just to switch to a phone.”

Nokia and Microsoft both realize that in today’s world, a phone without enough apps to play around with is completely useless. Apps are a major reason why iOS and Android have succeeded to such an extent and Nokia definitely realizes that after the failure of Symbian to remain relevant. Experts see this as a push by Nokia to help Microsoft avoid making the same mistakes that they did, but only time will tell if the latter will work hard enough to fix where the are going wrong.

Source: The Inquirer

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