Yahoo Acquires Web Browsing Startup Rockmelt for an Undisclosed Sum of Money

By: Jeff Stewart  |   August 8th, 2013   |   Business, News

It seems that Yahoo is not going to stop acquiring smaller companies any time soon and after getting hold of numerous businesses, CEO Marris Mayers still looks quite hungry for more tech and talent. This could be judged from the fact that Yahoo has gained another company, Rockmelt, that is actually a web browsing startup. Both companies revealed the deal on Friday, August 2nd, but none of them disclosed the amount of money that Yahoo spent to acquire Rockmelt.


As a result of this deal, similar to a majority of other companies that Yahoo took over last year, Rockmelt is going to shut down its web product and apps, so users have time until August 31st to get their kept items. Below is the full post that Rockmelt has made over its blog, which will give you further details about the acquisition:


“We’re excited to tell you that Rockmelt has been acquired by Yahoo!.


Yahoo! and Rockmelt share a common goal: To help people discover the best content from around the web. In our short four and a half years at Rockmelt, we’ve learned a lot about how you like to browse the web, discover content, and share the great stuff you’ve found. You’ve been right by our sides as we’ve celebrated successes, endured failures, and invented new ways of doing things.  You’ve taught us a ton. And we plan to put everything we’ve learned to work at Yahoo!.


The truth is Rockmelt wouldn’t exist without you, our users. You showed us what it means to browse the web in today’s world. You made us go aww, lol, and hmm. And sometimes you confounded us, which gave us a good excuse to say wtf. Just by using Rockmelt, you made this opportunity possible. We can’t thank you enough for letting us into your daily lives and for believing in us. We will definitely keep you close to our thoughts, designs, and products in our new world.


For many of you, Rockmelt has become a daily habit and for that we’re eternally grateful… so we’ve kept all your valuables safe. In each of our products, you’ll find a tile to click on that initiates the export service. Your kept items will be exported as bookmarks and the feeds you follow as an OPML file. The Rockmelt apps and web product will be shutdown on August 31, 2013.


Our mission of exploring the web faster and in a fun way has not changed. We’re joining a fantastic team of people where we can have a much bigger impact, and we’re thrilled and honored to have the opportunity.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.


-Eric, Tim, and the Rockmelt Team.”


Source: VB

Photo: VB

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