YouTube Makes Pilot Project for Subscription-Based Channels Official, Announces 14-Day Free Trial with Every Plan Starting from $0.99

By: Ali Raza  |   May 13th, 2013   |   News

Several rumours have indicated that the popular video-sharing website YouTube is looking to launch a pilot program for subscription-based channels, but since these reports were unofficial, not many paid attention. However, on Thursday, May 9th YouTube officials announced that it has launched the pilot program for subscription-based channels and the chargers for the service will start from $0.99. The video website will accrue these charges on a monthly bases, but for the first 14 days channel viewers of YouTube will be free of any charge, as the site has included a free 14-day trial in every plan. Initially YouTube has rolled out the program in limited parts of the world, but after a few weeks it is looking to launch the service on a wider scale.


The announcement of the pilot program was made by the YouTube Team through its official blog in which they had mentioned complete details regarding the new service and the programs which users can enjoy on it. Here is the official blog post:


“Starting today, we’re launching a pilot program for a small group of partners that will offer paid channels on YouTube with subscription fees starting at $0.99 per month. Every channel has a 14-day free trial, and many offer discounted yearly rates. For example, Sesame Street will be offering full episodes on their paid channel when it launches. And UFC fans can see classic fights, like a full version of their first event from UFC’s new channel. You might run into more of these channels across YouTube. Once you subscribe from a computer, you’ll be able to watch paid channels on your computer, phone, tablet and TV, and soon you’ll be able to subscribe to them from more devices.


This is just the beginning. We’ll be rolling paid channels out more broadly in the coming weeks as a self-service feature for qualifying partners. And as new channels appear, we’ll be making sure you can discover them, just as we’ve been helping you find and subscribe to all the channels you love across YouTube. Just as the partner program empowered creators to take their channels to the next level, we look forward to seeing how this great community of creators moves ahead with a new way to reach the fan communities that made their channels a hit. You’ll be hearing more from us, and them, as we get creator and user feedback and build out this exciting offering.”


Source: YouTube, 9to5Google

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