7digital and RIM Working Closely to Enhance the Music Capabilities of Blackberry 10

By: Ali Raza  |   October 19th, 2012   |   Mobile Apps, News, O Canada, Smartphones

BlackBerry 10 is expected to be released in the first months of next year, further away than some would hope. RIM’s partnering companies have steadily been creating hype for the devices and operating system, continually issuing press releases regarding their association with this brand from time to time. These press statements note that the firms involved are helping out RIM by adding different and new features to BB10.


The latest addition to this list of firms releasing BB10 press statements is 7digital. In this latest press statement, the company has declared that they are supporting RIM to enhance the music capabilities of their next big thing. The exact notes of this press statement were that, “7digital and RIM are working closely together to leverage both 7digital’s open music platform technology and BlackBerry platform abilities, such as the social integration and recommendation engines. 7digital’s platform allows BlackBerry App World to build digital music services into the core of the product.”


This association between RIM and 7digital was not out of the blue, as both companies have been working with each other since 2009. Their history of collaborative efforts was to be expected as RIM attempts to innovate several of its core functions.. Observers will be watching to see how the two companies will work together, and how they will actually integrate the social and recommendation aspects relating to music. Some speculation exists that the integration maybe deep and that the BBM Music app may be involved.


Source: mobilesyrup

  • Comment by David: ( November 2nd, 2012 at 11:42 am )

    can anyone conrfim sherwood I’ve been trying to upgrade my 9300 to OS 6 and really no update can be seen already downloaded the apploader 3-4 times and still no success so if the update is really for those with active BB plans only then I should stop trying cause I don’t have one

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