Analyst Predicts Sales of Apple’s Macs to Slide Further in September

By: Ali Raza  |   August 20th, 2013   |   Apple, Business, iOS, News

According to the latest report from AllThingsD, analyst Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray has issued a research note on Monday, August 19th which mentions that the domestic sales of Apple’s Mac are likely to slip further in September. This was not the first time Apple is going to see a drop in the sales of its Mac, as the sales of the desktop from the  iOS device maker were also pretty low during the previous month. If we take a look at the market data from NPD Group for the last quarter, it will be revealed that sales of Mac have dropped down by 5 percent in the June quarter, declining 12 percent year over year in the last month alone.


Apple is not the only PC maker that is seeing a radical drop in its desktop sales, as other PC manufacturer are also experiencing the same thing due to decline in the demand of desktop computers. It is because of this poor situation of the PC market the latest MacBook Airs of Apple that were powered by Intel’s Haswell processors did not remain much successful. Mention the reason behind the poor sales of Apple’s Macs, AllThingsD mentioned in its report that consumers who fans of Apple’s Mac portfolio are currently not making any purchases, as they are holding their money until the California-based company brings out the updated iMac and Mac Pro machines.


“But the bigger picture here, as Munster notes, is that the Mac, while a core piece of Apple’s business, is becoming an increasingly smaller one, whittled down by shifting consumer interest and iPad cannibalization. Indeed, the analyst predicts that by 2014 the Mac will account for just 11 percent of Apple’s business, slipping to nine percent by 2015.”


Another factor behind the low sales of PCs is inexpensive tablets. In fact, since the tablets have been introduced in the market they have badly affected the business of PC industry. Given that users now do not need to spend a lot of money to buy a computing device, as tablets are available to them at less price. On top of it now several forecast reports have predicted that the shipments of tablets will only grow with the passage of time.


This means that PCs will slowly relinquish, as besides being less expensive tablets have enabled the consumers all around the world to carry them easily anywhere. Plus manufacturers are now making the tablets available in small screen sizes as well, which had made it more easy to carry.


Source: iPhoneinCanada

Photo: iPhoneinCanada

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