Google Competing Strongly With Apple in App Race
0By: Zain Nabi | February 6th, 2013 | Apple, GoogleThe tough times for Apple continue as the technology giant constantly faces competition from many companies. Be it Samsung’s Galaxy that has captured market share from iPhones or Google that has now started to catch Apple in the app race, the latter seems to be surrounded by its rivals and competitors. The San Francisco Chronicle
inBloom To Provide Technology Service to Aid Learning
By: Zain Nabi | February 6th, 2013 | NewsThere is no dearth of different kinds of data floating around in the world, thanks to the connectivity factor that has joined nearly every single individual directly or indirectly. When it comes to education the situation is the same, and may be for good reasons. Back in the old days when printing press was still a new concept, it significantly expedited the pace of the world. The sch...
New BlackBerry Reaches Canadian Market
By: Zain Nabi | February 6th, 2013 | News, O Canada, SmartphonesThe wait is finally over for the people of Canada as the new BlackBerry smartphone, Z10, has finally reached the hometown and is available for sale. After being launched a few days ago in six different cities at the same time the product first hit the UK, and has now reached Canada. It will be available in the UAE shortly while the U.S. market will not get it this month. BlackBerry is...
OMERS Ventures Adds Three Members to Advisory Board
By: Zain Nabi | February 6th, 2013 | Business, News, O CanadaOMERS Ventures will be able to further effectively present its services in the specialised areas of technology, media and telecommunication as it has now acquired services of three new members for its advisory board. These members are visionaries who have earned respect and fame through their respective work and their experience is certainly going to help OMERS Ventures explore new ar...
Skype Joins Hands with Carriers in Russia, Will Do the Same in U.S. and Canada
By: Zain Nabi | February 6th, 2013 | Business, News, O CanadaSkype is among the most favourable options when one has to make international calls and connect with their friends and family. The audio and video service that also is suitable for users has somewhat hurt the carriers as mobile phones are not used to make those calls. However, some new developments have brought Skype and the carriers on the same page. Skype has recently joined hands w...
Ways to Set Up A Company With No Money
By: Zain Nabi | February 6th, 2013 | Business, O CanadaThe title sounds ironic, but isn’t. Setting up a company without heavy investment is very much possible and equally true is the fact that you can make a fortune out of it. It is a general belief that in order to start a business and do something big you must have a solid investment to support your expenses, but keep that stereotypical thought out of your mind for a moment and think of a number o...
Apple Works With HBO Go to Make Content Available on Apple TV – Report
By: Jeff Stewart | February 4th, 2013 | Apple, Business, iOS, NewsIt is no secret that Apple is deeply interested in re-inventing TV and CEO Tim Cook hinted sometime ago that, "When I go into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have gone backwards in time by 20 to 30 years. It's an area of intense interest. I can't say more than that." At this point in time there is no further offic...
Canadian Firm Vestec Successfully Raises $1.5 Million From the Ex-CEO and Founder of MModal
By: Jeff Stewart | February 4th, 2013 | Business, News, O CanadaAfter securing $6.4 million in October last year the speech technology company, Vestec, has now successfully raised $1.5 million from the former CEO and founder of MModal, V. Raman Kumar. As a result of this new funding, Kumar has not only become a backer of Vestec, but he has also seized the key position of vice chairman on thi...