• Profit Magazine Says Shopify Is “Canada’s Smartest Company”

    By: Talha Bhatti  |   December 24th, 2012   |   Business, News, O Canada

    Shopify was an up and coming Ottawa startup that has skyrocketed to the top of the Canadian technology sector. Currently the software company has 142 employees, 40,000 clients and $600 million in product value. The company is currently also available in 90 countries around the world. Shopify now has another trophy with its name on it as

  • New York Times Claims Windows 8 Initial Sales Not Looking Good

    By: Talha Bhatti  |   December 24th, 2012   |   Business, News

    Microsoft is the world’s largest software maker but the creator of the Windows operating system has been struggling lately to get a foothold in the quickly changing technology landscape. With competitors like Apple and Google carving out...

  • Magnetic Surface Helps Users Draw Perfect Shapes

    By: Kevin Green  |   December 22nd, 2012   |   Business, Gadgets

    Not everyone has the ability to draw well and many require the assistance of rulers and other devices to help them achieve a level or artistry that would be considered adequate. A new device called the dePENd hopes to make true artists out of people that have no ability in this creative department. The experimental product is a surface that utilizes magnets to make the user create perfect designs....

  • Facebook Experiments With Major Timeline Changes Including Return To Tabs

    By: Kevin Green  |   December 22nd, 2012   |   Business, News, Social Media

    Mashable reported on December 21 that Facebook is once again looking to update the design of Timeline. This might come as a surprise to many who have just become accustomed to the Timeline format. The report also stated that the changes to Facebook’s Timeline were “significant” and h...

  • Research In Motion Settles Patent Dispute With Nokia

    By: Kevin Green  |   December 22nd, 2012   |   Business, News, O Canada

    Canadian Technology giant, Research In Motion (RIM), announced on Friday, December 21 that it had wrapped up its dispute with Nokia over patents owned by the Finnish firm. The deal calls for a lump sum payment by the struggling BlackBerry smartphone maker along with "ongoing...

  • NimbleTV Conducts Beta Launch In New York City

    By: Kevin Green  |   December 22nd, 2012   |   Business, Mobile Apps, News

    NimbleTV is a startup that has big goals and the company took its first step as it launched the beta of its service. The firm wants to provide TV to users on any device they choose as long as they pay a monthly subscription. The concept of “TV Everywhere” is not new and cable companies have been working on it for three years although they...

  • Toyota Looking To Release Cars With Wireless Mat Phone Chargers

    By: Kevin Green  |   December 22nd, 2012   |   Business, Cars, Gadgets, News

    the myriad of mobile devices that are in use today have influenced companies in different sectors to adapt their own products to the changing needs of consumers. It is being reported that Toyota is working on creating a wireless car mat that the car owners can use to charge their phones. The device does not require the mobile device to be plugg...

  • Quora Wants To Become the “Internet-scale Library of Alexandria”

    By: Talha Bhatti  |   December 21st, 2012   |   Business, Google, News

    Quora has ambitious plans for its future and the companies CEO Adam D'Angelo has announced the he hopes to change the question and answer startup into "an Internet-scale Library of Alexandria." This expands the sites previous mission of answering questions asked by users to an even greater source of information. The new goal of the startup mean...