Voice Recognition Wizards Nuance Focusing on “Intelligent Systems”

By: Zain Nabi  |   January 8th, 2013   |   Cars, Gadgets, Living, Smartphones

As if the voice recognition system installed in various products was not enough, Nuance is planning on further upgrading this consumer-friendly technology by connecting different products together.


The “Intelligent System” will connect all the products including TVs, smartphones, cars and others with one another, enabling the user to reach out to any of them using just one medium.


The idea of creating a universal voice assistant comes on the heels of success gained by the voice recognition system, which allows users to interact with different products and instruct them to carry out any particular function.


For instance, you could ask your TV to record a programme, or tell you phone to make a call. The new system, however, is just a touch easier and will allow the users to interact with different products just by giving commands to any one product.


For example, you could tell your phones to send your instructions to your TV or any other product and carry out any function while you are not around. The integrated system will connect all the products through a cloud and hence will become easier to access.


Moreover, Nuance is also planning on making the new system more language-friendly. The system understands major components of a language, but it needs to be updated and understand even complex language structures.


To sort out this issue, Nuance is aiming to launch a “Living Language” initiative. This scheme will allow the system to adapt to the changing language pattern and modify itself as per the need.


This system could better work if different vendors agree to enter a partnership. For example, a phone manufacturer company could enter an agreement with a car manufacturer company and install the desired system in their respective products. This will create a common user interface, making it easier for one voice to interact with various products.


Source: Gigaom

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